Compes - Dies For Aluminium Extursion

World leaders in manufacture of dies for aluminium.

We at Urban World are the Authorized Dealers for Compes company.

Compes is considered reliable and indispensable partner by the most important groups of extruders in the world in the manufacture of dies for aluminium.

We at Urban World are the Authorized Dealers for Compes company.

Compes products have earned an excellent reputation in the global market, thanks to our extensive experience in aluminium extrusion. Our commitment to quality, punctual and efficient service, expert assistance and advice and technological innovation have become the cornerstones of our business over the years.

At Compes , our constant pursuit of quality, efficient service, expert assistance and innovative consulting are globally recognized strengths. Our dedication to quality and efficiency, combined with extensive industry experience, has established Compes as a leader in aluminium extrusion. We are committed to research and consistently invest in designing cutting-edge solutions, advanced production methods, and high-tech equipment. This proactive approach ensures that Compes products remain at the forefront of the industry.

EXTRUSION SOLUTIONS encapsulates the achievements Compes has made over the years, offering customers a diverse and continually evolving range of products. We provide not only dies for aluminium extrusion but also tooling and ancillary equipment. Many of our products are designed, patented, and manufactured by top specialists, such as the Oven with independent drawers for die preheating in a vacuum and the DCS – Die Corrector Station for correction departments.